K9 police dogs provide important service to their agencies, and they create a tight, inseparable attachment with their officers. These officers often adopt their K9 companion, resulting in a lifelong bond both on and off duty.But now, one warrior is distraught because he was separated from his cherished partner and is battling for the right to adopt her.
Trooper Christopher Garcia works for the Nevada Highway Patrol and is the handler of Nala, a four-year-old narcotics detection K9. The two share a camaraderie that extends far beyond the call of duty.”She’s a big daddy’s girl. Garcia told KOLO, “I just love her.” “She is part of the family. Off duty, she is with me; she is a tremendous love.”

However, the two have just been unceremoniously split. According to the site, Nala was removed from service following a non-aggressive nipping incident involving his girlfriend’s 11-year-old child. Garcia reported the event, claiming that he was told Nala would not be taken away from him.
However, when Garcia requested to adopt Nala, the department denied, citing the fact that doing so would be a liability. He was ordered to hand over Nala on January 17.
Garcia’s continuous efforts to bring Nala home have failed. He claims that other handlers in his department have been permitted to adopt their K9 partners after their period of service has ended, but the department refuses to budge.

Adding insult to injury, Garcia says he’s also been relocated to a desk job, and feels the department is doing an injustice to both him and Nala after years of service.
“She dedicated two years of her life working for the state and I felt like she was being shuffled out the back door,” he was quoted as saying by KOLO. “She did not deserve to have her life flipped upside down and placed in the hands of someone she had never met before. If the department has no problem adopting her or placing her somewhere, there is no better place for her to be than at home with me.”
“It’s simply frightening, the integrity at this point, and I believe they’re just developing public suspicion. They need to do the right thing, and if the finances are an issue, we’ll cover it. “We have no problem buying her,” Garcia told News 4 – Fox 11.

Garcia’s cause has garnered significant notice and support, and a Facebook page called Bring K9 Nala Home has been created to advocate for their reunion.
The Nevada Highway Patrol issued their own statement: “To improve performance and ensure renewed certification, the department determined canine Nala needed remedial training and other support, including an up-to-date veterinary examination,” they stated. “These steps will help to ensure a long and healthy law enforcement career serving the citizens of Nevada.”
“The department prioritizes Canine Nala’s well-being, and she is still in good health and care. This is the subject of an internal administrative review, and the Department cannot give any additional comments or specifics at this time.”

It’s heartbreaking for both Nala and Trooper Garcia to be separated like this, and hope the situation is resolved.