Daisy, a German Shepherd blend, hit the big stake and found a family to embrace her. However, unfortunately only two days after she was embraced, she got away and fled from home. She was wary of individuals and meandered the zone for 2 months. Individuals sustained her, however they were not able catch her and convey her inside to security.
Miraculously, all it took was one six-year-old girl a few minutes to do what numerous adults couldn’t. The little girl, named Megan, simply sat on the grass and called Daisy over. Daisy responded by walking over and laying down on the grass next to Megan. The adults were astonished. What couldn’t be done by them in 2 months only took Megan a few minutes; and on her very first try at that. Sadly, the family that lost Daisy were uninterested in taking her back, and a foster who tried to help catch Daisy couldn’t take her in at the time either.
That left Daisy’s fate uncertain. Luckily, Megan’s best friend’s family did have room and Daisy found her new forever home! The icing on the cake is that Megan gets to see her new canine friend every time she visits her best human friend! Things couldn’t have played out better.