Snafu, the puppy, was discovered starved to death on a roadside in Liberia, Africa, by two chimp activists. With no nearby animal hospitals or veterinarians, the campaigners were at a loss for what to do for the dying dog. They decided to take Snafu back to the chimp sanctuary where they were staying and introduce him to their chimp family group.

But Snafu’s health had been fully exhausted by that point. He had infected sores, no fur, and most of his muscles had deteriorated. The sanctuary’s veterinarian gave him emergency treatment and hoped for the best. The chimps also stepped forward to show him some tender loving care. Snafu began to recover very immediately, as if by miracle! As Snafu’s sores began to heal, he struggled to resist the impulse to scratch them. So the vet put him in a cone to keep him safe.
However, because the cone restricted his movements, the helpful chimps always grabbed him up and carried him up and down the stairs. The chimps nourished and safeguarded Snafu for a year as he became an integral member of their family.

Snafu is now a mature and healthy young man. The activists assisted him in finding a forever home in Colorado with a loving family. Snafu is now a big and healthy boy. The activists assisted him in finding a forever home in Colorado with a loving family.