Every day, we read about the bravery of one of the world’s most perilous professions: police officers. These brave people are on duty every minute of the day, ensuring our safety.But they aren’t just there to help people. It can be just as fulfilling to rescue and protect dogs and other animals. And there may even be a joyful ending that will warm everyone’s heart.
The Auguste Maine Police Station recounted one such story of an abandoned and injured puppy who severely needed their assistance.On July 16, 2020, Augusta Police Officer Sara Rogers received an emergency call to rescue an injured dog that had been abandoned on the streets of Augusta, Maine’s capital city.
Sara had always had compassion for pups, especially those who had suffered such a fate, so it was easy for her to swiftly get ready and rush to aid the little one.She took the puppy, carefully placed her in the passenger seat, and drove her to the vet to have her injuries examined as soon as she arrived at “the scene of the crime.”
While the vets were at work, the officer and her colleagues did everything they could to discover the owner. Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful. Or, fortunately… we’ll see.The veterinarian asked if Officer Rogers could check on the puppy throughout the night until the Kennebec Humane Society staff came into work, which was no problem for Sara. It was like she knew that something special would emerge.

Officer Rogers checked on the puppy frequently throughout her night shift. She had already been close to her heart, so she sought to spend as much time as she could with the dog.She even shared her food break with her new companion, and it was the time they formed an unbreakable relationship.
This prompted her to decide that she would take the puppy and foster her until she was ready for adoption. Surprisingly, her entire family fell in love with their new tenant as a result of this.On August 18, almost a month later, the most amazing event happened. Officer Sara couldn’t bear saying “goodbye” to the puppy when it became available for adoption.
Rey, named after her favorite Star Wars Jedi character, found a new home sooner than intended. From that moment forward, Rey’s new existence was filled with nothing but unconditional love.This is a wonderfully heartwarming story that the Augusta Maine Police Department shared on their official Facebook page, along with the caption, “You have to love happy endings!”