Dogs are extremely intelligent and protective animals. This is especially true for sheep herding dogs, who are responsible for keeping an eye on their flock and safeguarding it from attack.Recently, a brave Great Pyrenees herding dog went above and above to save the sheep by fending off a band of 11 feral coyotes.

On November 3, a group of coyotes emerged at a home in Decatur, Georgia, going after the owner’s sheep, according to 11Alive. Homeowner John Wierwille said he initially scared them away, but they returned later that night.Casper, his 20-month-old Great Pyrenees cattle herding dog, was there to protect the flock from the attacking coyotes.
Casper put up a strong defense once the coyotes entered the pen. Casper apparently killed 8 coyotes during the 30-minute fight. But the dog also suffered injuries in order to protect the sheep.

The remaining coyotes escaped, and Casper pursued them, leaving the owner to believe the dog had died in the battle. However, after a search, John discovered his dog, who was still alive but severely damaged.
“He looked like death, I mean terrible,” John said to 11Alive. “He came back home and he just kind of looked at me like ‘boss stop looking at how bad I look, just take care of me.'”
Casper was severely injured in the back and neck, and he also lost his tail. Casper’s survival was initially questioned by veterinarians and his family, who claimed he was discovered in “bad, bad condition.”

Casper, despite the odds, has been making a gradual but steady recovery.”He’s lucky to be alive,” LifeLine Animal Project’s Dr. Susan Brosman stated.”He looks great now, and he’s in good spirits,” clinic manager Maisie Hale remarked. “I adore him. He’s a wonderful young man.”
Casper’s medical bills, which are expected to cost between $15,000 and $20,000, were apparently covered by online donations. Casper still has a few months of recovery ahead of him, but for the time being, he’s in high spirits and being hailed as a hero.
“He’s a hero for sure,” stated Dr. Brosman.