Dogs are fully integrated into their respective families. They claim that having a dog is similar to having a baby/child, thus it’s safe to argue that puppies are similar to children, and there’s no disputing with that! So, just as children get envious when their parents’ attention is divided (typically among additional siblings who come along), dogs are jealous when their attention is divided, especially when there are other puppies involved—let’s face it, who doesn’t like a little bit of attention?
The scenario described above can be seen in the video below. The video’s woman is the owner of two Great Danes. She is seen holding another puppy in the clip, and it is quite clear that her existing pups aren’t a fan of the little one in her arms.

It’s unclear whether the woman is holding her own dog or someone else’s, but the Great Danes aren’t having any of it! All they see is their mother lavishing care on another dog, and they are dissatisfied. Although both dogs are upset, one of them, in particular, makes it a point to demand love from mom once again.How so? He accomplishes this by hopping on her shoulder and pleading for her attention! Of course, the owner gives in to the Dane’s requests and allows him to cuddle. But she’s also in a difficult position because of all the dogs she’s with! It’s extremely amusing!
Click on the link below and watch the dogs react to the new pup, and if you enjoyed this video, then don’t forget to like and share it with family and friends.