On an 87 degree day in Atlanta, Georgia, deputy Earl Hanners received a complaint about a dog left in a box by the side of the road. When the box was opened by a bystander, the puppy was inside.

The stranger called 911 after placing the dog next to the kennel and giving it water. police Hanners was preoccupied with a car accident at the time, so another police responded to the call first. But as soon as he was finished, Earl went on to help the dog himself. The puppy was still standing in the same spot next to the box.

Hanners encouraged the officer not to contact animal control because he would instead take the puppy to the veterinarian. He gave Bridget a name and took her home. Hanners encouraged the officer not to contact animal control because he would instead take the puppy to the veterinarian. He gave Bridget a name and took her home. Earl made the decision to keep her after realizing he couldn’t let her go at that point. Earl fosters dogs for a nearby rescue organization called Hounds in Pounds and now has eight rescue Pugs, so Bridget is not his first dog.

He made sure Bridget had a physical and a shot before introducing her to the group. They are now ecstatic as can be! They all get along well with one another and form a large, content family.

Although no one has been found guilty of leaving Bridget behind, at least she now has a loving forever home. And it’s all because of Deputy Earl Hanners’ generous heart.