When the dog’s owners saw how he was treating their beloved pet, they quickly grabbed their camera.Lily the Labrador has been patiently waiting in the front yard for her best friend to arrive every Friday for the past two years.

He is reliable, considerate, and punctual for their weekly playdate.David is the neighborhood’s garbage picker.In Bedford, New Hampshire, Lily has always enjoyed “people watching” in her front yard.

She enjoys taking a seat on the lawn in the sunshine and watching the world go by.When she’s not chasing squirrels up the tree, she secretly wishes someone would come by and say “hi,” maybe even offer her a treat.
Sadly, though, it was not to be. not even the mailman gave her a friendly head pat. Even the intrusive attention of a solicitor would have been appropriate at the moment. Instead than waiting for someone to notice her, Lily learned how to locate a BFF on her own.

The astute pup began to notice that her family brought the trash cans out to the curb every Thursday night.The next day, Friday, a man in a truck would drive by and haul them away.As a result, Lily developed the habit of waiting in the yard for the garbage collector.

David couldn’t help but be drawn in by Lily’s beautiful features and warm grin.When she caught sight of him, she leaped up and down in joy, and he did the same.She even taught him to sit and give her treats when she was told to do so.What more could a dog possibly ask of a best friend?

Although David may have believed he was only performing his duties and cleaning up rubbish, a fluffy gem actually crept into his life. Ishaan Chatterjee, the owner of Lily, told The Dodo that the couple’s bond has developed into the loveliest thing. We really send Christmas gifts to [our garbage collector] every year to show our appreciation for the way he cares for Lily.

Lily’s relationship with David, according to Ishaan, is very special. Although Lily is in love with almost everyone she meets, he recognizes that her friendship with David is unique.

Of course, this could be related to the food David is always carrying around in his pockets! Ishaan, though, believes it has to do with Lily’s ability to see the best in people. Lily will return your kindness to you if you are kind individuals.She gives us advice on how to be more respectful of others.How much we can learn from animals is incredible.

You don’t get to have fun and be silly at work every day. David is really lucky!