This story introduces a film named Castaways, which is a documentary series chronicling a very successful rehabilitation program. It consists of inmates training unwanted and abandoned dogs to prepare them for a re-introduction to society or a adoption process to happen. The results? They have proven to be life-changing, for both the prisoner and dog! In the documentary, one of the convicts got acquainted with a dog named Esther, who was severely abused in a puppy mill prior to the program.
It also sheds a new light upon and highlights the plight that both prisoners and dogs face in the real world, and how their unlikely union brings changes in character. Both human and dog are shown trying to save and serve one another. One prison inmate in particular, whose name was Jason, formed a strong bond with Esther during the program. Eventually, the time to say goodbye came, and the pair shared a very emotional and heartfelt goodbye to each other.
She is shown to undergo training facilitated by prisoners, which is the ‘Prison-trained K-9 Companion Program’. The program also documents Esther’s growth and emotional change, which proved to be a very rewarding sight for Jason as well.
Watch the video !